Liquor, in a not much greater quantity, being, by I know not whose mistake, apply'd to the aking Tooth of a very Ingenious Person, did presently, as he soon after told me, give him an universal Refrigeration, and trembling, worse than the cold Paroxisme of a Quartane. And though Scorpions do sometimes cause, by their sting, violent Heats in the parts they hurt, yet sometimes also the quite contrary happens, and their Poyson proves, in a high degree, potentially cold; as may be learnt from the two following Observations recorded by eminent Physicians.**Beniven. cap. 56. Abditorum apud Schenk. Lib. 7. de venen. Observ. 24. Famulum habui, (saith Benivenius) qui à Scorpione ictus, tam subito ac tam frigido sudore toto corpore perfusus est, ut algentissimâ nive atque glacie sese opprimi quereretur. Verùm cùm algenti illi solam Theriacam ex vino potentiore exhibuissem, illicò curatus est: Thus far he: To whose Narrative I adde this of Amatus Lusitanus.