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Of the Mechanical Origine

ther it will reach all Electrical Bodies; and it ſeems to me, that the reaſon why he rejects the way of explicating Attraction by the Emiſſion of the finer parts of the attrahent (to which Hypotheſis, if it be rightly propoſed, I confeſs my ſelf very inclinable) is grounded upon a miſtake, which, though a Philoſopher may, for want of Experience in that Particular, without diſparagement fall into, is nevertheless a miſtake. For whereas our excellent Author ſays, that Electrical Effluvia, ſuch as are ſuppoſed to be emitted by Amber, Wax, &c. cannot be imagin'd to proceed from Glaſs, I grant the Suppoſition to be plauſible, but cannot allow it to be true. For as ſolid a body as Glaſs is, yet if you but dextrouſly rub for two or three minutes a couple of pieces of Glaſs againſt one another, you will find that Glaſs is not onely capable of emitting Effluvia, but ſuch ones as to be odorous, and ſometimes to be rankly ſtinking.
