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of Electricity

But it is not neceſſary, that in this Paper, where I pretend not to write Diſcourſes but Notes, I ſhould confider all that has been, or I think may be, ſaid for and againſt each of the above-mentioned Hypotheſes; ſince they all agree in what is ſufficient for my preſent purpoſe, namely, that Electrical Attractions are not the Effects of a meer Quality, but of a Subſtantial Emanation from the attracting Body: And 'tis plain, that they all endeavour to ſolve the Phænomena in a Mechanical way, without recurring to Subſtantial Forms, and inexplicable Qualities, or ſo much as taking notice of the Hypoſtatical Principles of the Chymiſts. Wherefore it may ſuffice in this place, that I mention ſome Phænomena that in general make it probable, that Amber, &c. draws ſuch light Bodies, as pieces of Straw, Hair, and the like, by vertue of ſome Mechanical Affections either of the attracting or of the attracted Bodies, or of both the one and the other.

1. The