plac'd never ſo little beyond it.
5. It has been alſo obſerved, that the effects of Electrical Attraction are weaken'd if the air be thick and cloudy; and eſpecially if the South-wind blows: And that Electricks diſplay their vertue more faintly by night than by day, and more vigorouſly in clear weather, and when the winds are Northerly. All which the Learned Kircherus aſſerts himſelf to have found true by experience; inſomuch that thoſe bodies that are but faintly drawn when the weather is clear, will not, when 'tis thick and cloudy, be at all moved.
6. We have alſo obſerved, That divers Concretes, that are notably Electrical, do abound in an effluviable matter (if I may ſo call it) which is capable of being manifeſtly evaporated by heat and rubbing. Thus we ſee, that moſt Reſinous Gums, that draw light bodies, do alſo, being moderately ſolicited by heat, (whether this be excited by the fire, or by Attrition or Contuſi-