provided they be minute or light enough, except perhaps it be fire: I employ the word perhaps, becauſe I am not yet ſo clear in this point. For having applied a ſtrong Electric a convenient diſtance to ſmall fragments of ignited matter, they were readily enough attracted, and ſhin'd, whilſt they were ſticking to the body that had drawn them: But when I look'd attentively upon them, I found the ſhining ſparks to be, as it were, cloath'd with light aſhes, which, in ſpite of my diligence, had been already form'd about the attracted Corpuſcles, upon the expiring of a good part of the fire; ſo that it remain'd ſomewhat doubtful to me, whether the ignited Corpuſcles, whilſt they were totally ſuch, were attracted; or whether the immediate objects of the Attraction were not the new form'd aſhes, which carried up with them thoſe yet unextinguished parts of fire, that chanc'd to be lodg'd in them. But, as for flame, our Countreyman