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Of the Mechanical Origine

Gilbert delivers as his Experiment, That an Electric, though duly excited and applied, will not move the flame of the ſlendereſt Candle. Which ſome will think not ſo eaſie to be well tried with common Electricks, as Amber, hard Wax, Sulphur, and the like unctuous Concretes, that very eaſily take fire: Therefore I choſe to make my Trial with a rough Diamond extraordinarily attractive, which I could, without injuring it, hold as near as I pleas'd to the flame of a Candle or Taper; and though I was not ſatisfi'd that it did either attract the flame, as it viſibly did the ſmoak, or manifeſtly agitate it; yet granting that Gilbert's Aſſertion will conſtantly hold true, and ſo, that flame is to be excepted from the general Rule, yet this exception may well comport with the Hypotheſis hitherto countenanc'd ſince it may be ſaid, as 'tis, if I miſtake not, by Kirkerus, that the heat of the flame diſſipates the Effluvia, by whoſe means the At-
