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Of the Mechanical Origine

ſhorter Dimenſions. But the Conjecture it ſelf was much more eaſie to be made than the Experiment requiſite to examine it. For we found it no eaſie matter to ſuſpend an Electric, great and vigorous enough, in ſuch a manner, that it might, whilſt ſuſpended, be excited, and be ſo nicely poiſed, that ſo faint a force as that wherewith it attracts light bodies should be able to procure a Local Motion to the whole Body it ſelf. But after ſome fruitleſs attempts with other Electricks, I had recourſe to the very vigorous piece of poliſh'd Amber, formerly mention'd, and when we had with the help of a little Wax ſuſpended it by a ſilken thread, we chafed very well one of the blunt edges of it upon a kind of large Pin-cuſhion cover'd with a courſe and black woollen ſtuff, and then brought the Electric, as ſoon as we could, to ſettle notwithſtanding its hanging freely at the bottom of the ſtring. This courſe of rubbing on the edge of the Amber we pitch'd
