upon for more than one reaſon; for if we had chafed the flat ſide, the Amber could not have approached the body it had been rub'd on without making a change of place in the whole Electric, and, which is worſe, without making it move (contrary to the nature of heavy bodies) ſomewhat upwards; whereas the Amber having, by reaſon of its ſuſpenſion, its parts counterpoiſed by one another; to make the excited edge approach to another body, that edge needed not at all aſcend, but onely be moved horizontally, to which way of moving the gravity of the Electric (which the ſtring kept from moving downwards) could be but little or no hinderance. And agreeably to this we found, that if, as ſoon as the ſuſpended and well rubb'd Electric was brought to ſettle freely, we applied to the chafed edge, but without touching it, the lately mention'd Cuſhion, which, by reaſon of its rough Superficies and poroſity, was fit for the Electrical