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Of the Mechanical Origine

Effluvia to faſten upon, the edge would manifeſtly be drawn aſide by the Cuſhion ſteadily held, and if this were ſlowly removed, would follow it a good ways and when this body no longer detain'd it, would return to the poſture wherein it had ſettled before. And this power of approaching the Cuſhion by vertue of the operation of its own ſteams, was ſo durable in our vigorous piece of Amber, that by once chafing it, I was able to make it follow the Cuſhion no leſs than ten or eleven times. Whether from ſuch Experiments one may argue, that 'tis but, as 'twere, by accident that Amber attracts another body, and not this the Amber; and whether theſe ought to make us queſtion, if Eletricks may with ſo much propriety, as has been hitherto generally ſuppoſed, be ſaid to Attract, are doubts that my Deſign does not here oblige me to examine.

Some other Phænomena might be added of the ſame Tendency with
