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Of the Mechanical Origine


SEcondly, by mixing two ſuch liquid Bodies as Petroleum and ſtrong Spirit of Nitre in a certain proportion, and then diſtilling them till there remained a dry maſs, I obtain'd a brittle ſubſtance as black as Jet; and whoſe Superficies (where it was contiguous to the Retort) was gloſſie like that Mineral when poliſhed; and as I expected I found it alſo to reſemble Jet, in being endowed with an Electrical Faculty.


THirdly, Having burnt Antimony to aſhes, and of thoſe aſhes, without any addition, made a tranſparent Glaſs, I found, that, when rubb'd, as Electrical Bodies ought to be to excite them, it anſwer'd my expectation, by manifeſting a not inconſiderable Electricity. And this is the worthier of notice, becauſe, that as a
