learn, that Bodies that are neither of them apart obſerved to be endowed with Electricity, may have that Vertue reſult in the compounded ſubſtance that they conſtitute, though it be but a factitious Body.
To the foregoing Experiments, whoſe Success is wont to be uniform enough, I ſhall adde the Recital of a ſurpriſing Phænomenon, which, though not conſtant, may help to make it probable, that Electrical Attractions need not be ſuppos'd ſtill to proceed from the ſubſtantial, or even from the eſſential Form of the Attrahent; but may be the effects of unheeded, and, as it were, fortuitous Cauſes. And however, I dare not ſuppreſs ſo ſtrange an Obſervation, and therefore ſhall relate that which I had the luck to make of an odd ſort of Electrical Attraction (as it ſeem'd,) not taken notice of (that I know of) by any either Naturaliſt or other Writer, and it is this.