the feathers did ſo readily and ſtrongly faſten themſelves to theſe extraneous and unexcited Bodies, that I have been able (though not eaſily) to make one of them draw the feather from the Amber it ſelf.
But it is diligently to be obſerv'd, that this unuſual attraction happened onely whilſt the electrical operation of the excited Amber continued ſtrong enough to ſuſtain the feathers. For afterwards, neither the approach of my finger, nor that of the other bodies, would make the downy feathers change their poſture. Yet as ſoon as ever the Amber was by a light affriction excited again, the feather would be diſpoſed to apply it ſelf again to the abovementioned Bodies.
And leſt there ſhould be any peculiarity in that particular feather, I made the Trials with others (provided they were not long enough to exceed the ſphere of activity of the Amber) and found the Experiment to answer my expectation.