I made the Experiment alſo at differing times, and with ſome months, if not rather years, of interval, but with the like ſucceſs.
And left you thould think theſe Phænomena proceed from ſome peculiarity in the piece of Amber I employed, I ſhall add, that I found uniformity enough in the ſucceſs, when, in the place of Amber, I ſubſtituted another Electrick, and particularly a ſmooth maſs of melted Brimſtone.
Theſe are the Phænomena I thought fit to mention at preſent of this unuſual way of drawing light bodies, and with this Experiment I ſhould conclude my Notes about Electricity, but that I think it will not be amiſs before I take leave of this Subject, to give this Advertiſement, That the event of Electrical Experiments is not always ſo certain as that of many others, being ſometimes much varied by ſeemingly ſlight circumſtances, and now and then by ſome that are altogether over-look'd. This Obſervation may receive credit from ſome of