the particulars above recited (eſpecially concerning the intereſt of the weather, &c. in Electrical Phænomena.) But now I ſhall add, that not onely there may happen ſome variations in the ſucceſs of Trials made with Electrical Bodies, but that it is not ſo certain as many think, whether ſome particular Bodies be or be not Electrical. For the inquiſitive Kircherus reckons Cryſtall among thoſe Gems to whom Nature has denyed the attractive power we are ſpeaking of; and yet I remember not, that, among all the trials I have made with native Cryſtall, I have found any that was deſtitute of the power he refuſes them. Alſo a late moſt learned Writer reciting the Electricks, reckon'd up by our induſtrious Countryman Gilbert, and increaſing their number by ſome obſerved by himſelf, (to which I ſhall now add, beſides white Saphyrs, and white English Amethyſts, the almoſt Diaphanous ſpar of Lead Ore) denies Electricity to a couple of tranſparent Gems, the Cornelion and the Emrald. And I do the leſs wonder he ſhould do ſo to the former, becauſe I have my ſelf in vain tried to make any attraction with a piece of Cornelion ſo large and fair, that 'twas kept for a rarity; and yet with divers other fine Cornelions I have been able to attract ſome light bodies very manifeſt-