Oyl of Vitriol into a strong Glass-Vial proportionable to it, we found, that, except a little that was fluid at the top, it was all congeal'd or coagulated into a mass like Ice, though the Glass stood in a Laboratory where a fire was constantly kept not far from it, and where Oyl of Vitriol very seldom or never has before or since been observ'd to congeal or coagulate so much as in part. And the odness of our Phænomenon was increas'd by this Circumstance, that the Mass continued solid a good while after the weather was grown too mild to have such Operations upon Liquors far less indispos'd to lose their fluidity by Cold, than even common Oyl of Vitriol is. On the other side I remember, that about two years ago, I expos'd some Oyl of sweet Almonds hermetically seal'd up in a Glass-bubble, to observe what Condensation an intense cold could make of it, (for though Cold expands water, it condenses common oyl;) but the next day Ifound