ness is a quality of the Object, (which as 'tis perceiv'd by the mind, is also an affection of the Sentient:) And therefore an Imminution of such a degree of former motion as is necessary to make a body Hot as to sense, and which is sufficient to the Production of sensible Coldness, may be Mechanically made, since Slowness as well as Swiftness being a Mode of Local motion is a Mechanical thing: And though its effect, which is Coldness, seem a Privation or Negation; yet the Cause of it may be a positive Agent acting Mechanically, by clogging the Agile Calorific Particles, or deadning their motion, or perverting their determination, or by some other intelligible way bringing them to a state of Coldness as to sense: I say Coldness as to sense; because as 'tis a Tactile Quality, in the popular acception of it, 'tis relative to our Organs of Feeling; as we see that the same luke-warm water will appear hot and cold to the same mans hands, if,when