the grains or Corpuscles, would keep their agitation from being properly Heat, though by their numerous strokes upon a man's face, and the brisk commotion of the spirits and other small particles that may thence ensue, they may perchance occasion the production of that Quality.
If some attention be employ'd in considering the formerly propos'd Notion of the nature of Heat, it may not be difficult to discern, that the Mechanical production of it may be divers ways effected. For, excepting in some few Anomalous cases, (wherein the regular course of things happens to be over-rul'd,) by whatever ways the Insensible parts of a body are put into a very confus'd and vehement agitation, by the same ways Heat may be introduc'd into that body: agreeably to which Doctrine, as there are several Agents and Operations by which this Calorific Motion (if I may so call it) may be excited, so there may be several ways of Mechanically producingHeat,