Heat, and many Experiments may be reduc'd to almost each of them, chance it self having in the Laboratories of Chymists afforded divers Phænomena referrable to one or other of those Heads. Many of the more familiar Instances, applicable to our present purpose, have been long since collected by our justly famous Verulam in his short, but excellent, Paper de forma calidi, wherein (though I do not acquiesce in every thing I meet with there) he seems to have been, at least among the Moderns, the Person that has first handled the Doctrine of Heat like an Experimentall Philosopher. I shall therefore decline accumulating a multitude of Instances of the Production of Heat, and I shall also forbear to insist on such known things, as the Incalescence observable upon the pouring either of Oyl of Vitriol upon Salt of Tartar, (in the making of Tartarum Vitriolatum) or of Aqua fortis upon Silver or Quick silver, (in the dissolution of these Metals) butshall