shall rather chuse to mention some few Instances not so notorious as the former, but not unfit by their variety to exemplifie several of the differing ways of exciting Heat.
And yet I shall not decline the mention of the most obvious and familiar Instance of all, namely the Heat observed in Quick-lime upon the affusion of cold water, because among learned men, and especially Peripateticks, I find causes to be assign'd that are either justly questionable or manifestly erroneous. For as to what is inculcated by the Schools about the Incalescence of a mixture of Quick-lime and water by vertue of a supposed antiperistasis or Invigoration of the internal Heat of the Lime by its being invironed by cold water, I have elsewhere shewn, that this is but an Imaginary Cause, by delivering upon Experiment (which any man may easily make) that, if instead of cold water the liquor be poured on very hot, the ebullition of the Lime will not be theless,