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Of the Mechanical Origine

less, but rather the greater: And Oyl of Turpentine, which is a lighter, and is lookt upon as a subtiler liquor than water, though it be poured quite cold on Quick-lime, will not, that I have observed, grow so much as sensibly hot with it.

And now I have mentioned the Incalescence of Lime, which, though an abvious Phænomenon, has exercised the wits of divers Philosophers and Chymists, I will adde two or three Observations in order to an Inquiry that may be some other time made into the genuine Causes of it; which are not so easie to be found as many learned men may at first sight imagine. The acute Helmont indeed and his followers have ingeniously enough attempted to derive the Heat under consideration from the conflict of some Alcalizate and Acid salts; that are to be found in Quick-lime, and are dissolved, and so set at liberty to fight with one another by the water that slakes the Lime. But though we have some manifest marksof