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of Heat and Cold.

of an Alcalizate Salt in Lime, yet that it contains also an Acid Salt, has not, that I remember, been proved; and if the emerging of Heat be a sufficient reason to prove a latent acid Salt in Lime, I know not, why I may not inferr, that the like Salt lies conceal'd in other bodies, which the Chymists take to be of the purest or meerest sort of Alcalys.

EXPER. I.For I have purposely tried, that by putting a pretty quantity of dry Salt of Tartar in the palm of my hand, and wetting it well in cold water, there has been a very sensible Heat produced in the mixture; and when I have made the trial with a more considerable quantity of salt and water in a Viol, the heat proved troublesomely intense, and continued to be at least sensible a good while after.

This Experiment seems to favour the opinion, that the Heat produced in Lime whilst 'tis quenching, proceeds from the Empyreuma, as the Chymists call it, or impression leftby