by the violent fire, that was employ'd to reduce the stone to Lime. But if by Empyreuma be meant a bare impression made by the fire, 'twill be more requisite than easie, to declare intelligibly, in what that impression consists, and how it operates to produce such considerable effects. And if the effect be ascribed to swarms of Atomes of fire, that remain adherent to the substance of the Lime, and are set at liberty to flye away by the liquor, which seems to be argued by the slaking of Lime without water, if it be for some time left in the air, whereby the Atomes of fire get opportunity to flye away by little and little: If this, I say, be alledged, I will not deny but there may be a sense, (which I cannot explicate in few words) wherein the Cooperation of a substantial Effluvium, for so I call it, of the fire, may be admitted in giving an account of our Phænomenon. But the Cause formerly assigned, as 'tis crudely proposed, leaves in my mindsome