some Scruples. For 'tis not so easie to apprehend, that such light and minute bodies as those of fire are supposed, should be so long detained as by this Hypothesis they must be allowed to be, in Quick-lime, kept in well-stopt vessels, from getting out of so laxe and porous a body as Lime, especially since we see not a great Incalescence or Ebullition ensue upon the pouring of water upon Minium, or Crocus Martis per se, though they have been calcined by violent and lasting fires, whose Effluviums or Emanations appear to adhere to them by the increase of weight, that Lead, if not also Mars, does manifestly receive from the Operation of the Fire. To which I shall adde, that, whereas one would think that the igneous Atoms should either flye away, or be extinguished by the supervening of water, I know, and elsewhere give account, of an EXPER. II. Experiment, in which two Liquors, whereof one was fur-nished