me by Nature, did by being several times separated and reconjoyned without additament, at each congress produce a sensible Heat. EXPER. III.And an Instance of this kind, though not so odd, I purposely sought and found in Salt of Tartar, from which, after it had been once heated by the affusion of water, we abstracted or evaporated the Liquor without violence of fire, till the Salt was again dry; and then putting on water a second time, the same Salt grew hot again in the Vial, and, if I misremember not, it produced this Incalescence the third time, if not the fourth; and might probably have done it oftner, if I had had occasion to prosecute the Experiment. Which seems at least to argue, that the great violence of fire is not necessary to impress what passes for an Empyreum upon all calcined bodies that will heat with water.