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of Heat and Cold.

And on this occasion I shall venture to adde, that I have sometimes doubted, whether the Incalescence may not much depend upon the particular Disposition of the calcined body, which being deprived of its former moisture, and made more porous by the fire, doth by the help of those igneous Effluviums, for the most part of a saline nature, that are dispersed through it, and adhere to it, acquire such a Texture, that the water impell'd by its own weight, and the pressure of the Atmosphere, is able to get into a multitude of its pores at once, and suddenly dissolve the Igneous and Alcalizate Salt it every where meets with there, and briskly disjoyn the earthy and solid particles, that were blended with them; which being exceeding numerous, though each of them perhaps be very minute, and moves but a very little way, yet their multitude makes the confused agitation of the whole aggregate of them, and of the particles of the water and salt vehe-ment