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Of the Mechanical Origine

enough to produce a sensible Heat; especially if we admit, that there is such a change made in the Pores, as occasions a great increase of this agitation, by the ingress and action of some subtile ethereal matter, from which alone Monsieur des Cartes ingeniously attempts to derive the Incalescence of Lime and water, as well as that of metals dissolved in corrosive Liquors; though as to the Phænomena we have been considering, there seems at least to concur a peculiar disposition of body, wherein Heat is to be produced to do one or both of these two things, namely, to retain good store of the igneous Effluvia, and to be, by their adhesion or some other operation of the fire, reduced to such a Texture of its component Particles, as to be fit to have them easily penetrated, and briskly as well as copiously dissipated, by invading water. And this Conjecture (for I propose it as no other) seems favour'd by divers Phænomena, some whereof I shallnow