now annex. For here it may be observed, that both the dissolved Salt of Tartar lately mentioned, and the artificial Liquor that grows hot with the natural, reacquires that Disposition to Incalescence upon a bare Constipation or closer Texture of the parts from the superfluous moisture they were drowned in before: The Heat that brought them to this Texture having been so gentle, that 'tis no way likely that the igneous Exhalations could themselves produce such a Heat, or at least that they should adhere in such numbers as must be requisite to such an effect, unless the Texture of the Salt of Tartar (or other body) did peculiarly dispose it to detain them; since I have found by Trial, EXPER. IV.that Sal Armoniac dissolv'd in water, though boiled up with a brisker fire to a dry salt, would, upon its being again dissolved in water, not produce any Heat, but a very considerable degree of Cold. I shall adde, thatthough