though one would expect a great Cognation between the particles of Fire adhering to Quick-Lime, and those of high rectified Spirit of Wine, which is of so igneous a nature, as to be totally inflammable; yet I have not found, that the affusion of Alkaol of Wine upon Quick-Lime, would produce any sensible Incalescence, or any visible dissolution or dissipation of the Lime, as common water would have done, though it seemed to be greedily enough soaked in by the lumps of Lime. And I further tried, that, if on this Lime so drenched I poured cold water, there insued no manifest Heat, nor did I so much as find the lump swelled, and thereby broken, till some hours after; which seems to argue, that the Texture of the Lime was such, as to admit the particles of the Spirit of Wine into some of its pores, which were either larger or more congruous, without admitting it into the most numerous ones, whereinto the Liquormust