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Of the Mechanical Origine

Odour of the Spirit of Wine, is often manifestly changed by a well-made Distillation from Quick-lime; I have sometimes found that Liquor to give the Lime a kind of Alcalizat penetrancy, not to say fieriness of Taste, that was very brisk and remarkable. But I will not undertake, that every Experimenter, nor I my self, shall always make trials of this kind with the same success that I had in those above recited, in regard that I have found Quick-limes to differ much, not onely according to the degree of their Calcination, and to their Recentness, but also, and that especially, according to the differing natures of the stones and other bodies calcined. Which Observation engages me the more to propose what hath been hitherto deliver'd about Quick-lime, as onely Narratives and a Conjecture; which I now perceive has detain'd us so long, that I am oblig'd to hasten to the remaining Experiments, and to be the more succinct in delivering them.