Page:Fire Safety (Buildings) Ordinance (Cap. 572).pdf/13

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Ord. No. 21 of 2002
(a) rejects the request of the relevant owner or occupier for the issue of a certificate of compliance under section 12; or
(b) fails to issue such a certificate within 28 days after the request was made,

that owner or occupier may apply to the District Court for the revocation of the prohibition order relating to the building or part of a building.

(2) An applicant must give notice in writing of the application to the relevant enforcement authority within 7 days after making the application.

(3) On the hearing of an application for the revocation of a prohibition order, the District Court may make any order as it thinks fit.

14. Registration of fire safety compliance order, etc. in the Land Registry

(1) The relevant enforcement authority may cause to be registered by memorial a fire safety compliance order or variance thereof or a prohibition order against the land register of the relevant property in the Land Registry.

(2) Where—

(a) a fire safety compliance order or variance thereof is registered under subsection (1) and subsequently—
(i) the order is revoked under section 6(4); or
(ii) the relevant enforcement authority has, by a written notice referred to in section 6(6), informed the magistrate’s clerk that the order has been complied with; or
(b) a prohibition order is registered under subsection (1) and subsequently—
(i) a certificate of compliance has been issued under section 12(3); or
(ii) the order is—
(A) discharged under section 12(5); or
(B) revoked under section 13(3),

the relevant enforcement authority must cause to be registered by memorial the revocation, notice, certificate of compliance or discharge, as the case may be, against the land register of the relevant property in the Land Registry as soon as practicable and in any event not later than one month after the date of the revocation, notice, certificate of compliance or discharge.

(3) Where a corporation has been registered with the Land Registrar under section 8 of the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344) and an order referred to in subsection (1) has been made against the corporation, such order shall, for the purposes of registration under this section, be deemed to have been made against each of the owners of the building individually.