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Ord. No. 21 of 2002

“composite building” (綜合用途建築物) means a building that is constructed, or intended to be used, partly for domestic purposes and partly for non-domestic purposes—

(a) the plans of the building works of which were first submitted to the Building Authority for his approval under regulation 29 of the Building (Administration) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg.) on or before 1 March 1987; or
(b) which was constructed on or before 1 March 1987 where no plans of the building works of the building were submitted to the Building Authority for his approval under regulation 29 of the Building (Administration) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg.) on or before that date,

but excludes a building where the part intended for non-domestic purposes consists wholly of a factory or industrial undertaking, godown, warehouse or place of bulk storage;

“domestic building” (住用建築物) means a building that is constructed, or intended to be used, for domestic purposes, with more than 3 storeys used principally for such purposes—

(a) the plans of the building works of which were first submitted to the Building Authority for his approval under regulation 29 of the Building (Administration) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg.) on or before 1 March 1987; or
(b) which was constructed on or before 1 March 1987 where no plans of the building works of the building were submitted to the Building Authority for his approval under regulation 29 of the Building (Administration) Regulations (Cap. 123 sub. leg.) on or before that date,

and includes ancillary club house, carpark and recreation facilities that are provided for the exclusive use of residents of the building and persons invited to use them by such residents;

“domestic purposes” (住用用途), in respect of a composite building or domestic building, means use for human habitation, but does not include a building or part of a building that is used for a hotel, guesthouse, home for the elderly, child care centre or nursery;

“enforcement authority” (執行當局)—

(a) in relation to the planning, design and construction of a composite building or domestic building, means the Director of Buildings; and
(b) in relation to any fire service installation or equipment, means the Director of Fire Services;

“fire safety compliance order” (符合消防安全令) means a fire safety compliance order made under section 6;