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The Rigs of Barley.
It was upon a Lammas night,
when corn rigs wave ſae bonny,
Beneath the moon‘s unclobbed light,
I hied awa to Annie,
The time flew by wi‘ tentleſs heed,
till tween the late and early,
Wi‘ sma perſuaſion ſhe agreed,
to ſee me through the barley.
The ſky was blue the air was ſtill,
the morn was ſhining clearly,
I ſet her down wi‘ right good will
amang the rigs of barley;
I kent her heart was a‘ my ain,
I lov‘d her moſt ſincerely,
I kiſs’d her o‘er and o‘er again,
amang the rigs of barley.
I lock‘d her in my fond embrace,
her heart was beating rarely,
My bleſſings on that happy place,
amang the rigs of barley
But by the moon and ſtars ſae bright,
that ſhone that hour ſae clearly,
I‘ll ne‘er forget that happineſs,
amang the rigs of barley
I ha‘e been blyth wi‘ comrades dear,
I ha‘e been merry drinking,
I ha‘e been joyfu‘ gathering gear,
I ha‘e been happy thinking,
But a‘ the pleaſures e‘er I had,
though three times doubled fairly,
That happy night was worth them a‘,