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Oyſt, oyſt ſaid he, how maney oyſters for one penny,
Take you one take too or three,
Kind ſir will you buy any of my oyſters.
O landlord, O landlord, ſaid he,
Have you a room, for a young girl and me,
Where we can ſit and merry merry be,
The time of eating of the oyſters:
O yes, kind ſir, then anſwered he,
I have an empty room for the oyſter girl and thee,
Where you can ſit and merry merry be,
The time of eating the oyſters.
O ſhe had not been there an hour but only one,
When ſhe picked his pocket’s of ten thouſand pound,
She picket his pockets and down ſtairs ſhe ran,
And left him with a baſket full of oyſters.
I have been in England I have been in France,
I never met with ſuch a miſchance,
An Iriſh woman taught an Engliſhman to dance,
And learned him to ſell caller oyſters.