Page:Goldfinch (2).pdf/3

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Loudon's bonny Woods and Braes.

Loudon's bonny woods and braes,
I maun lea'e them a', lassie;
Wha can thole, when Britain's faes
Would gi'e Britons law, lassie?
Wha would shun the field of danger?
Wha frae fame would live a stranger?
Now when freedom bids avenge her,
Wha would shun her ca', lassie?
Loudon's bonny woods and braes
Hae seen our happy bridal days,
And gentle hope shall soothe thy waes,
When I am far awa', lassie.

Hark! the swelling bugle sings?
That gi'es joy to thee, laddie;
But the dolefu' bugle brings
Waefu' thoughts to me, laddie;