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Little Goody Two-Shoes;
Otherwiſe called,
Mrs. Margery Two-Shoes

The Means by which ſhe acquired her Learning and Wiſdom, and in conſequence thereof her Eſtate; ſet forth at large for the Benefit of thoſe,

Who from a State of Rags and Care,
And having Shoes but half a Pair;
Their Fortune and their Fame would fix,
And gallop in a Coach and Six.

See the Original Manuſcript in the Vatican at Rome, and the Cuts by Michael Angelo. Illuſtrated with the Comments of our great modern Critics.

The Third Edition.


Printed for J. Newbery, at the the Bible and
Sun in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, 1766.
[Price Six-pence.]