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that the author of the letter had been charged with criminal offences. A personal violence order was also made against that person in order to protect Mr Greenwich.

Statements of public support for Mr Greenwich – agreed facts

79 The parties filed a statement of agreed facts. The following facts (among others) regarding statements of public support for Mr Greenwich were agreed.

80 As mentioned at [49] above, on 30 March 2023, Senator Pauline Hanson posted a video to the public in which she said:

I am responding to the comments made by Mark Latham on social media. I want you to know that I don't condone them and neither do my members of parliament or party associates.

I think they are disgusting.

I've actually tried to ring Mark a couple of times, to no avail, and I have clearly sent a text message to him telling him my views and also I've asked him to give the people an apology.

I will leave it at that. It is now over to Mark to answer the people.

81 On 30 March 2023, Penny Sharpe MLC said:

I was physically sickened by that tweet.

Homophobia is always unacceptable and there is never an excuse. Mr Latham should apologise to Alex Greenwich immediately.

It's been a long time since I've seen something that awful said out loud in public, it really is completely unacceptable.

People have been bullied over these issues over time. I've worked with families whose sons were murdered in the 70s and 80s through violence against gay men.

This is a serious matter and it brings back a lot of terrible memories that really I thought we had gotten through.

They shouldn't be listening to this kind of material, we love every person no matter who they are.

It also doesn't reflect who New South Wales is, we've just had World Pride, this incredible celebration of inclusion and people really being able to be who they are.

82 On 30 March 2023, Jenny Leong MLA said:

The hateful homophobic and transphobic bile that spews from former Labor leader turned One Nation MP Mark Latham demonstrates why no political party or independent representative should engage with him.

Being an elected representative doesn't give him a free pass.

The Greens are committed to working with all elected members of parliament across the political spectrum who show respect for equality and recognise that we all

Greenwich v Latham [2024] FCA 1050