Page:Hand-book of Volapük (Sprauge, 1888).djvu/49

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EXERCISE 27. In this reading exercise the left-hand column contains a translation from the German, in which the words are, to a great extent arranged in the German order,—too much so, I think. The verb is placed at the end of the sentence or clause without any apparent reason for this position, except that in the German original it is at the end. In the right-hand column the same words are re-arranged with correction of some other Germanisms.



Glut ledik tegom sili kel jünu yulibik ebinom. Yono flamom filakolüm, tegöpi mena kösumöl, kel omi ed omikis esävom. Noli binoms valüds atoz?[1] Si, atoz binoms „valüds fäta ko kels nonik fed tenalik binos al fedön.” Ga ekusi! Lelit, kel domi et ävilom nosön, disislifom äl tali, nen dämön. Näm jekik, vali duzuköl, menaladi fulöl ko tlep e jek, golom büdo menas du voli, tiki polöl da oti ko vif nesuemik.

Glut ledik tegom sili kel ebinom jünu yulibik. Filakolüm flamom yono, kösumöl tegöpi mena kel esävom omi ed omikis. No-li ats binoms valüds? Si, ats binoms „valüds fäta ko kels nonik fed tenalik binom pöfedöl.“ Ga, ekusi! Lelit, kel ävilom nosön domi et, disislifom äl tali nen dämön. Näm jekik, duzuköl vali, fulöl menaladi ko tlep e jek, golom büdü mens da vol, polöl tiki da om ko vif nesuemik.


In English there are certain peculiarities of expression, which we do not notice until our attention is called to them by the study of other languages. It is therefore dangerous to translate literally into Volapük unless we first reflect upon the English phrase and are sure that it means literally and exactly what it says. It is safest, in regard to Volapük, as well as other languages, to frame sentences on the model of those which have been composed by authors of known correctness.

  1. In the earlier editions of the grammar oz was given as a permissible plural of os.