Page:Highland plaid (3).pdf/5

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Then Providence, Pat cried, as looking around,
Is the neatest Upholsterer ever was found,
With his Jill, sing Jack, &c.

Then Norah, dear Norah, come tell me if you please,
Whose four little chubby-cheek'd rascals are these,
These pretty gossoons, with their locks all so black?
They are mine, Pat, by Providence sent me, d'ye see—
Botheration! says Pat, come now don't humbug me;
For if Providence minds to send legs to your chairs,
Sure he'll never forget to send fathers for heirs,
With his Jill, sing Jack, &c.

Och Norah, when I've been upon the salt sea,
By Saint Patrick, you've been a big traitress to me,
May whisky console me, for I'm on the rack.
For if Providence peoples my cabin with brats