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extended. The head is well covered with hair; and the whole appearance is that of a man of about thirty-five years of age." Mr. Ropes Judges the British Museum full-face bust of Cæsar to be of him when he was about forty-three. He says—p. 135: "In this head we see the effect of several years' hard campaigning upon Cæsar's features. The severe lines of the mouth, and the sternness of the expression, show the indomitable resolution of the Conqueror of Gaul."

Referring to the plaster-casts in the Boston Athenæum, he says of the larger one: "It seems to be unmistakably the head of a great man. The extraordinary vigor, alertness, energy, and determination shown upon the rugged features of a man long past his bodily prime, never failed to make me pause and admire."

Dr. Lord says that he "received a good education, but was not precocious like Cicero. There was nothing remarkable about his childhood. He was a tall and handsome man, with dark, piercing eyes, sallow complexion, large nose, full lips, refined and intellectual features, and thick neck."

Professor Ward Fowler, of Oxford, says: "He was tall for a Roman; but the Italian standard of height was probably then, as now, considerably below that of the Northern races. His complexion was pale, or fair; his eyes black and lively; his mouth somewhat large; the lips, as they are represented in the coins and busts, being firmly set together, with the corners slightly drawn downwards. His forehead was high, and appeared still higher in consequence of a premature baldness, which he is said to have tried to hide by combing his hair forwards. His nose was aquiline and rather large. The contour of his head, as represented in the well-known marble in the British Museum, is extremely massive and