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And marvellous was his body.

"His early life was spent amid the turmoils and dangers of camps; and as a young man he was distinguished for precocity of talent and manly beauty; and gigantic physical strength. He was a type of chivalry before chivalry arose.

"His chief delight was horsemanship. He was passionately fond of hunting, and, next to hunting, swimming, in which he was wholly unrivalled. He loved the German spas; and freely used the hot mineral waters.

"When Charlemagne mounted the throne, he was twenty-four years of age; in the strength and prime of his youth. His person was huge and strong; combining the presence and muscular powers of the heroes of song; so that he found it sport to fight with the gigantic bulls in the forest of Ardennes.

"He was a man of gigantic stature, rising over seven feet in height, and somewhat corpulent; but so well proportioned that his great size was scarcely noticed, except when others stood beside him. His head was round; the expression of his face, open, benevolent, and cheerful; his neck, short and thick; his eyes large, quick, and lustrous; his nose was what is called 'the conqueror's nose'—that is, prominent, straight, and rising at the bridge; his hair was of a brownish hue, fine, thick, and flowing; his step firm; his hand so strong that it could straighten three horseshoes at once; his voice clear, but somewhat shrill; his deportment dignified and manly; his health excellent.

"He takes rank among the extraordinary men who, from time to time, appear to change the face of the world; and to inaugurate a new era in the destinies of mankind."

Dr. Lord says: "He recognized that Christianity is the mightiest power in the world.