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to show his prowess with the oar. Even as he delivers one of his remarkably clear decisions,

"'On the ear
Drops the light drip of the suspended oar

"In society his conversational powers are very highly esteemed. Sir Joseph's popularity is as wide as his acquaintanceship and fame. Everywhere Mr. Punch's refrain may be heard:

"'All hail, Joe Chitty; fortune favors pluck—
A stroke of genius, and a stroke of luck;
In Boat,
at Bar, on Bench, you are and were
By all acknowledged "fairest of the fair."'"

Law Gazette, June 4, 1891.

So this splendid man, "whose power of work was a wonder, and the pride of Lincoln's Inn"—this captain, and winning captain, of his 'Varsity cricket eleven 5 stroke-oar and captain of his winning 'Varsity eight; rowing at No. 3 in the Oxford 'Varsity eight, March 29, 1849, and losing; rowing the race over December 15, 1849, and winning; and rowing stroke at Henley in the winning eight, June 17, 1851; rowing stroke in the 'Varsity eight, April 3, 1852, and winning—has taught all men how a powerful body wedded to a powerful mind and an exalted character makes a grand man.

American lawyers and judges need no introduction to Lord Esher, the famous "Master of the Rolls," and here is what they think of him in England: "William Baliol Brett, now known as Lord Esher, is one of the brightest, if not the brightest, ornament on our judicial tribunals. A man of profound learning, of catholic sympathy, and possessing a wide knowledge of human nature, kindly and yet dignified; such is Lord Esher, familiarly known and