Page:James Hudson Maurer - The Far East (1912).pdf/21

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A year tater, in the spring of 1896, China received another cruel jolt. Russia informed her that the Czar's interposition was not intended to be gratuitous. In what form the payment for Russia's services should be made was, for some time, the subject of debate. Li Hung Chang left China in the spring of 1896 as a special embassador to attend the coronation of Nicholas Ii, at Moscow. During his stay in Russia, he signed an agreement which embodied the concessions to be so-called services. Through fear of civil disturbances and opposition from other nations, the details of this momentous agreement were kept a secret for eight months, and this secret treaty gave Russia the control of the Liau-Tung Peninsula, including Port Arthur, which the little God had rescued for China at an expense of $30,000,000 to China. In other words, China, due to Russia's interference, was compelled to pay thirty million dollars to Japan to save part of her possessions and then the Czar takes the same possessions, for services rendered. Leaving China just $30,000,000 poorer than she would have been had Russia not helped to save her. Besides the dear philanthropic Czar demanded and got an extra bonus—the right to build a branch of the Trans-Siberian railway through Manchuria to Talienwan and Port Arthur.

High finance? Yes, sir. Russia's school of piracy is evidently the one which Diaz, of Mexico, and Lord Rockefeller, of the United States, were tutored in.

The concessions made to Russia were scarcely revealed before Germany with two men-of-war were on hand to gather her share of the spoils.

Germany demanded the exclusive right to construct railways and work mines throughout the extensive and populous province of Shantung. It is needless to say that Germany got what she demanded.

Next in line stood France demanding and taking her share of the loot. France obtained possession of the best of Kwangchowfoo, which is the best outlet to the sea for the trade of the southern province of Kwangsi.

She also got the right to control the commercial development of the province of Yunnan. While these acts, which virtually amounted to mutilation of the Middle Kingdom, were being committed by Russia, Germany and France, the British opium feeders undertook to assert the principles of the open door, but compromised by taking Wei-hal-Wel, which is one of the two keys to the Gulf of Pechihli, She also secured a promise from the Pekin government that the valley of