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Capitalism Entering China

Why this sudden and seemingly philanthropical world-wide mavoment to stamp out opium in China? Surely this action on the part of the ruling class of the world is not impelled by any benevolent motives. No, it's business—that's all.

Capitalism is moving into China, and the money kings have come to the conclusion that debauching and killing the Chinamen with opium is not as profitable as letting them live and exploiting the race as wage slaves.

For some years preparations have been under way for the next great move of capitalism.

Opium was not the only obstacle; chattel slavery must be abolished in so far as it is expedient. While the captains of industry strive to abolish competition among themselves, they very much prefer it for their workers. The chattel slaves never compete for each others' jobs, as do the wage slaves. Besides, the chattel slave must be bought very often at considerable expense and cared for, housed, fed, clothed and doctored when sick. This they get from the master if they work or not.

The wage slave hunts the master and can be had without the consideration of a purchase price, besides the master need not care for these slaves—he has no money invested in them, The wage may be ground down until the slaves are underfed and become too weak to work, when the muster simply turns them out; the masters have nothing to lose if they work their wage slaves to death so long as a fresh supply can be secured. That's why they encourage the workers to raise large families.

It is therefore plain to be seen just why the capitalists are arranging conditions in China so as to give them a clear field for exploitation.

In the following news item from China we see how careful the powers are not to infringe too far upon the beneficiaries of the old system who are, to be sure, bitterly apposed to the new regime.

[Gazette-Times, Pittsburg, Pa. May 11, 1911.]


Freedom For Millions

Washington, May 10.—The Chinese government by