Page:James Hudson Maurer - The Far East (1912).pdf/64

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have responded, the empire is seething like a boiling caldron and the people are plunged in misery,

Yuan Shi-Kai was therefore commanded to dispatch commissioners in order to confer with the Republicans with a view to the calling of a national assembly to decide on the future form of government, Months have elapsed and no settlement is now evident.

The majority of the people are in favor of a republic. From the preference of the people's hearts the will of heaven is discernible. How could we oppose the desires of millions for the glory of one family?

Therefore, we, the dowager empress and the emperor, hereby vest the sovereignty of the Chinese empire in the people.

Let Yuan Shi-Kai organize to the full the powers of the provisional republican government and confer with the Republicans as to the methods of union assuring peace in the empire and forming a great republic with the union of Manchus, Chinese, Mongols, Mohammedans and Tibetans.

We, the empress dowager and the emperor, will thus be enabled to live in retirement, free of rsponsibilities and cares and enjoying without interruption the nation's courteous treatment.

Peking Relieved

At an audience yesterday, the empress dowager touchingly thanked Yuan Shi-Kai for his successful efforts in obtaining good treatment for the imperial family from the Republicans. The publication of the edicts has given profound relief to every one in Peking, both foreigners and Chinese. The arrangement is considered to be a skillful compromise, and it is believed that the terms will satisfy the Republicans. The first edict provides that the terms shall be communicated to the foreign legations for transmission to their respective governments, the object being to record worldwide the Republican pledges.

Eight Pledges

In consideration for abdication the Republicans make the following eight pledges to the emperor:

First—The emperor shall retain his title and shall be respected as a foreign monarch.

Second—The emperor shall receive an annual grant of 4,000,000 tales until the currency is reformed, after which he shall receive $4,000,000 Mexican.

Third—A temporary residence shall be provided