Page:James Hudson Maurer - The Far East (1912).pdf/67

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Chin-tao, the Republican finance minister. General Li Yuen-heng, the rebel leader at Hankow, who was appointed vice-president of the Republic by President Sun Yat Sen, probably will be chief of the general staff. Provision for Dr. Sun has not yet been made.

Today's abdication of the Chinese throne by Fu Yi, the child Emperor, brings to an end the powerful Manchu dynasty which has reigned in China since 1644. The boy ruler has been on the throne since November 14, 1908, when the Emperor Kwang-Su, his uncle, died. His father, prince Chun, was appointed regent and was the chief figure in China for three years.

Dr. Sun an American

Washington, February 12.—Dr. Sun Yat Sen, first president of the Chinese Republic, is a naturalized American.

The Department of Commerce and Labor so held in 1904 on the ground that Dr. Sun, who had been born in the Hawaiian Islands, had been endowed with American citizenship by the act of 1900, which provided a government for Hawaii and declared all citizens of the territory to be citizens of the United States. {{dhr} ***


Dr. Sun an Ardent Disciple of Henry George

London, April 4.—"I have finished the political revolution and now will commence the greatest social revolution in the world's history," said Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the ex-provisional president of China, in an interview at Shanghai today, according to a dispatch from that city to the Daily Telegraph. "The abdication of the Manchus is only the means to greater development and the future policy of the republic will be in the direction of Socialism.

"I am an ardent follower of Henry George whose ideas are practicable on the virgin soil of China, as compared with their impractibility in Europe of the United States where the money is controlled by the capitalists."

Dr. Sun says that he has the full consent of the government to start his propaganda immediately whereby the railroads and similar industries will be con-