Page:James Hudson Maurer - The Far East (1912).pdf/68

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trolled by the government. The single tax system, and as far as possible free trade, will be adopted.


By applying the single tax theory in China, one thing is certain—it will in a great measure solve a very important problem by providing a means of existence for its millions of superstitious toilers. The change from feudalism to capitalism, or from hand craft, with primitive methods and tools, to modern capitalism, is a step of such magnitude that millions will be unable to adapt themselves to the new order, nor is it really necessary that they all do so.

The land question properly solved will not only prove a means of existence for these people, but will be a valuable asset for the nation. What it took other nations a century to do, China, like Japan, hopes to accomplish tn a decade.

Doctor Sun's Socialism means nothing more than state Socialism (state capitalism), along the lines the post office business is conducted in our own country.

The Chinese government is now, and has for some time, been negotiating for the loan of hundreds of millions of dollars to build railroads. And hundreds of millions more will be borrowed to develop her resources, and for the erection of mills, factories, etc. It therefore necessarily follows that China will be at the mercy of the house of Rothchilds.

No matter if some of the loans are made through the banking houses of Germany, France, England, and the United States, all the great financial institutions of the world are a part of the great banking system of the house of Rothchilds.

Indeed, it is of little concern to these captains of finance what system of reform China works out, so long as the money lords remain the absolute sovereigns.

After the great change which took place in Japan half a century ago, the bank of Rothchilds would much prefer State Socialism (State Capitalism), because to deal directly with a nation, instead of a multitude of individuals, is far more profitable; besides, it entails little or no risk. Even in the United States we find many capitalists who favor state or national ownership of railroads, mines, mills, telegraph, etc., etc. A splendid program for the master class, STATE CAPITALISM, which to the working class means dependence upon the government.

State Capitalism is simply an extended order of