bucks that the thing cost. You took her down there, you brought her back, you telephoned her mother and asked if she could stay with you for a while, you called the store and said she was sick. You've waited on her hand and foot. You treated that girl like she was your sister."
"Don't tell anybody, Hubert, about her trouble. If they suspect, that's not our fault, but don't let them hear it from us."
"Oh, I wouldn't. Say, Lil, I think I'll take a little nap till dinner is ready. Do you mind?"
"Well, Anna's still in the bed. Could you take it on the couch?"
Hubert went to the living-room and Lillian remained seated on the green chair at the green table in the kitchen. She sort of wished that Anna wasn't there. She felt sleepy, too. If Anna was somewhere else now she and Hubert could nap till, say, six-thirty; then they could have dinner at a restaurant and perhaps go to a show. It would be easy to call Louise and tell her not to come. But Anna was there and soon dinner would have to be prepared for five people. Lillian glanced out the window and saw her new Nash roadster coming up the street. She shuddered. Billy had just missed bumping its fender against that parked truck.
"Hubert, here's Billy and Louise."
"All right."
"You weren't asleep yet, were you?"
"No such luck."