second shoe exactly on a line with the first. In fact, it was only when he toed them to a crack between two floor-boards that he met with any sort of success.
"Jees, that Louise of all people should get a chance to be sorry for me."
Hubert didn't as a rule smoke cigarettes, but he went to the humidor and got one now. He had a feeling that this was all going to prove very trying. Lillian stared at his stockinged feet as he walked. He always wore gray socks. As she looked at them now, it occurred to her that there must be some reason why he always wore gray socks. She wanted to ask him but thought if she did right now he would get telling a story that would lead them far from the situation to be considered. Well, she'd ask him some other time.
"And the way that she pretended that she was doing me a favor by bringing that up," Lillian murmured.
"Oh, well, she's dumb, Lillian. Wasn't that a scream about her with the Chink and the spaghetti?"
"That sounded like her all right. Gee, I can't get over that. She's sorry for me. That gets me wild."
"Well," said Hubert, comfortingly, "you can't be pleased all the time. We can't have everything."
"I don't see why we can't."
"Because God or whoever it is who's dealing the cards don't give royal flushes all the time."
"I didn't mean everybody in the world when I said 'we.' I meant you and I. I don't see why we shouldn't have everything."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean why shouldn't you and I be married? Helen