"Is she sorry for every woman in the world except Hubert's wife?" Theresa asked.
"Oh, you know what I mean. She pities me for not being respectable and sure of Hubert and all that."
"Oh. That makes you dissatisfied, huh? Have you spoken to him about it?"
"Sure. He asked Helen for a divorce because I felt so rotten after Louise said that."
"What did she say?"
"Who? Louise?"
"No. Helen Scott."
"Oh, she made a terrible scene. Was going to kill herself. She wouldn't divorce him. I felt sorry when I heard about it. She's old, you know, and white-haired and fearfully jealous. Gee, you know Helen seems a lot older than Hubert and set in her way and uninteresting. She worries a lot about him. Probably tells him to put his rubbers on when it's raining and that sort of thing. You know what she did? Last night when he called her up she told him to be sure and have the brakes fixed on his Packard before he went up there today. She's always thinking of something happening to him. Gee, I wouldn't take a man away from a woman like that even if I could."
"But you're unhappy."
"Oh, well, it's just that I'm nobody. See what I mean? I'm not a wife or a widow or a divorced woman or a bum or anything. I'm not a sweetheart. That means a young girl who's holding out for the wedding bells, don't it? I'm nothing. There's no name for what I am."