apartment. Hubert and I will go somewhere else. Come on, let's clear out now. We'll get our things right away—" Lillian grabbed Louise's arm and led her toward the bedroom, where the coats and hats were. "Come on, Billy, you too. We must all get out and leave the love-birds alone."
Before they knew it the Fishers and Hubert were standing down on the pavement with Lillian.
Billy was upbraiding his wife. "Why the hell must you always fight wherever you go? It's a damn good thing you're not a man, you'd have the daylights punched out of you every time you opened your trap. As it is, you're going to pick the wrong dame some day and she'll beat the hell out of you. I've got a good mind to take a crack at you myself."
"I'll talk as much as I please and I won't ask your permission either. What are you sticking up for Anna for anyhow?"
"I'm not sticking up for anybody. I'm just telling you what I think of you."
"You needn't bother."
"Oh, I know I'm just wasting my breath. You're too damn dumb to be anything but what you are."
"If I was smart I wouldn't have married you."
"If I was smart you wouldn't have."
"Oh, is that so?"
"Yeh, that's so."
A window opened on the ground floor of the building and a man looked out at them. "Shut up, will you? You're waking everybody up," he said.
"Go stick your head in the river," Billy answered.